Abacus Computers Inc. offers a full suite of services to its customers.
We have the resources available to provide the support you need for your project, whatever the size, from start to finish.
Abacus Computers Inc. has a wide array of solutions to offer it’s customers.
End user computing hardware, data center needs, a full line of enterprise print solutions, security and access control…whatever you need. Just ask.
Abacus’ HUB status allows us to serve K12, Higher Ed, and State & Local Govt customers to our highest capabilities.
Beyond those industries, Abacus Computers Inc. also provides exceptional service to our oil and gas, healthcare, and commercial customers, among many others.
Abacus works closely with major technology manufacturers to bring you the best solutions available.
Browse our partners and be sure to reach out for more information
Abacus Computers Inc.’s provides services to multiple Higher Ed and K12 institutions, allowing for ease of use and prompt customer service.
What will you find on our web store today?